Eng. Tariq Al-Zaro :: Biography

Tariq-Al-ZaroEng. Tariq A. K. Zaro got his Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering – specialized in constructions- from Polytechnic University in Palestine. He is the owner and the general director of the ” Creation Home for the Engineering Consultancy Office” . Moreover, he is a member of the Jordanian Engineer Syndicate (membership number 17548), a member of the Arab Engineers Union (membership number 11/486), his experience exceeds 12 years in construction design and management of projects and contracts. He is a certified trainer for the Engineer Syndicate in the construction designs

Eng. Tariq A. K. Zaro is a member of the Engineering Bureau Board for two rounds (2008-2010, 2010-2013).  Besides, he is an arbitration adviser in the International Committee for Arbitration (membership number 8236). Not only that, he is also a certified international arbitrator in the Palestinian International Arbitration Chamber (PIAC).  In addition, He is also a member of many committees formed in Engineer Syndicate, Hebron governorate, civil defense and many other municipalities. Moreover, he is an expert in different issues judged by the courts of Hebron, as he is one of the arbitrators in the Arbitration Association that consists of three arbitrators in Hebron.
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Eng. Tariq A. K. Zaro participated in many international conferences in Jordon, Kuwait, and Lebanon, and he also participated in some of the conferences specialized in the local and international arbitration that was organized by the Egyptian Engineers Syndicate in cooperation with the International Arbitration Association, in addition to the arbitration courses he attended in the Arab Republic of Egypt in collaboration with the Federation of Arab Engineers.